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Business Update from Techman Robot in Response to COVID-19

Business Update from Techman Robot in Response to COVID-19

Techman Robot, a leading manufacturer of collaborative robots, has adopted proactive steps against the new coronavirus. Techman Robot pays immediate attention to the health of its employees on a daily bases and collects global virus information to ensure everyone’s safety; while also implementing prevention measures from their local government. Techman Robot maintains business communications online and is frequently in touch with all overseas offices, global distributors, partners, and customers.

Infection-Free Company and Manufacturing Remains Unaffected

With over 500 employees around the world, from Techman Robot’s headquarter in Taiwan, to their offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and South Korea, there are zero reports of infection from employees. All offices and factories are operating smoothly and continue to produce at full capacity. With extra precaution, besides having strict disinfection and prevention measures, employees are also required to fill in a daily questionnaire that monitors their health status, and Techman Robot collects any information related to employees’ travel history and any sign of symptoms.

Utilizing Online Communication and Training

The coronavirus has not stopped Techman Robot from its continued global expansion. They have held many online seminars with distributors from Europe, United States, Southeast Asia, China, and Japan, to carry out technical and market conversations. In response to the epidemic, Techman Robot is also enhancing its online training courses. In April, they cooperated with several well-known universities to pilot their online classes for a smart factory management system, known as the TMmanager. This month, Techman Robot will also launch an online training academy for their global partners, and assist their partners through such challenging business circumstances.

Under the influence of the COVID-19, many offline events such as exhibitions and seminars are temporarily postponed until further notice. Techman Robot will inform all news and exhibition update on its official website. Meanwhile, Techman Robot will continue to support its employees, customers, and worldwide partners. Altogether, they will fight against the coronavirus, and hope that these difficult times will subside as soon as possible!